Thursday, March 19, 2009


Okay, so now the whole world will know that we're suckers for cute faces.

Since leaving Canada, Shannon has had a hard time adjusting to not having a pet (namely a puppy) nearby for her to play with. So, for her birthday, I agreed that she could get a pet, but not a puppy, because the logistics of transporting a dog back to Canada when we're done our time in Korea were simply more than was reasonable to deal with. She settled on the two little guys in the picture. The little one is Gizmo, and the bigger one is Ozy (named for Ozymandias, because we watched the Watchmen on her birthday, too).

We got them a nicely sized cage and all the accessories, and then we brought the little guys home. This was Wednesday morning when they were introduced to their new habitat. Thursday, I had to run home to pick up something I forgot, and I checked on the little guys, and Ozy was just sitting in the cage and shaking. After awhile, we figured out that he was shaking because he was REALLY hungry, but wouldn't eat the rabbit food that we got him. He would eat the dried vegetables and hay in the food, but not the food pellets themselves. When we gave him some of the stuff he liked, he and Gizmo gobbled it down instantly (even getting into a fight over one of the carrot pieces), and was back to his old self in no time.

Or at least, mostly back to his old self. As I type this, I've got him sitting in my lap, wrapped in a towel because he needed a bath this morning (I'll leave it to your imagination as to why he might need a bath after having a food problem). But he is definitely far more energetic than he was yesterday, so I'm pretty sure his digestive tract is still recovering from his bout of not eating.

Anyway, the great thing is that these guys are quite possibly the cutest little bunnies on the face of the earth, and while we don't know how big they're going to get (the label said they were 'lion head rabbits' but they look different from each other, so we don't know for sure), I'm terribly amused by the fact that Gizmo sits quite comfortably in the palm of my hand.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Are rabbits easier to bring back to Canada?? :)