So the time has officially come for us to be on our way. Our tickets arrived by email this morning, and we're leaving from the Halifax International Airport at a ridiculously early hour Monday morning. We're leaving Moncton around midnight Sunday night, and so the time is well past due for us to begin packing our lives up into four suitcases and two carry-ons. As I write this, Shannon is beginning to put clothes into suitcases (plus sorting shoes and such), and we've been debating for quite some time about what to take with us.
Interestingly enough (and probably not so wisely), my biggest concern has been how I'm going to get my pirate hat into a bag without causing damage to it or taking up too much space. Sad, though, is the fact that I can't take my guitars with me. I'll be taking some of my smaller instruments with me, but those won't take the place of a good old fashioned guitar. Fortunately, though, after looking at some ads on Craigslist Korea, I feel comforted to know that I can get a really decent guitar for a really reasonable price.
All in all, I feel remarkably calm about the whole thing, even though we're moving halfway around the world into a brand new culture and a brand new job, with a whole new world of adventure coming our way. I suspect the calm is the result of nervousness balancing out my excitement, but somewhere deep inside my brain I still don't quite think it's real.
This will likely be the last post from this half of the world, so please pray for us over the next few days as we pack, travel, and get settled into our new home. Even just getting groceries is going to be an all new experience, not to mention getting around a brand new city in a brand new country and starting a brand new job.
So, when next you hear from us, we'll be half a world away!